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Human Factors in Healthcare (Selected Publication)
Rusdaniaji, D., & Dharmastiti, R. (2021). Effect of Wearing Different Types of Face Mask to Heat Strain During Physical Activities. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri, 23(2), 178-189.
Human Factors in Transportation (Selected Publication)
Trapsilawati, F., Prastiwi, P. B., Vista, Y., Myesha, Z., Herliansyah, M. K., & Wijayanto, T. (2021). AXConflict geometry and gender differences in spatial multitasking: The context of air traffic conflict resolution. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.
Hartono, B., & Gozali, M. (2015). Secondary task and risky driving behavior: a test of the mediating effect of situation awareness. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics, 21(3), 399-404.
Wijayanto, T., Marcillia, S. R., Lufityanto, G., Wisnugraha, B. B., Alma, T. G., & Abdianto, R. U. (2021). The effect of situation awareness on driving performance in young sleep-deprived drivers. IATSS Research, 45(2), 218-225.
Wijayanto, T., Ramadhan, R. M., Falikha, T., Cahyani, S. D., & Mahenra, R. Y. (2020, December). Effects of In-Vehicle Navigational Display Modality on Situational Awareness and Driving Performance. In Joint Conference of the Asian Council on Ergonomics and Design and the Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (pp. 379-387). Springer, Cham.
Human-Thermal Environment
Wijayanto, T., Herliansyah, M. K., Ayu, A. S., & Sudarman, P. A. Can edible oils, as practical phase change materials, be used for body cooling after physical work in a hot–humid environment?. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries.